Stakeholder Advisory Board

As Grand Rapids embarks on a decade of investment into the river channel and riverbanks, it is essential that those investments benefit all Grand Rapidians equitably. In order to bring clarity and accountability to the community’s vision for an equitable river redevelopment strategy, a new nonprofit (name still TBD) will be working alongside community in the co-creation of an Equity Framework that will act as a roadmap for stakeholders and implementing agencies.  

After a summer/fall community engagement period, the Equity Framework will be published as a document that can be considered and adopted by public agencies, community actors, and private parties as the riverwide strategy for equitable development. The document will hold up a community-crafted vision for how the river project can benefit stakeholders equitably, as well as propose goals and metrics that can be used to keep actors accountable across the lifespan of the river project.

A consulting team has been retained to run this stakeholder engagement process (dubbed Grand River Voices) and produce that framework document.

As a key element of the engagement process, a time-limited Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB) has been formed. The full SAB is 15 members, representing a diverse range of interests and experiences within Grand Rapids. We expect the board to meet six times over the course of the 2022 calendar year beginning in June.   You can read about the process for nominating and selecting the Stakeholder Board here


The specific responsibilities of the Stakeholder Advisory Board members are as follows:

  1. Convene for at least six meetings

  2. Provide input into the Grand River Voices engagement process and feedback loop design

  3. Promote and endorse the community engagement process within their networks

  4. Provide input into the key elements of the equity framework

  5. Provide input into the implementation strategies for the equity framework

  6. Promote and endorse an accountability mechanism within their networks

  7. Read and comment on the draft equity framework document

  8. Discuss and ultimately co-endorse the final equity framework document

  9. Bring the equity framework back to their organization or community for adoption.

While the SAB meetings are not public, Grand River Voices will be posting meeting minutes on this website for public review, as well as occasional announcements and decisions from the SAB.

We are proud the announce the following individuals as confirmed members of the Grand River Equity Framework Stakeholder Advisory Board:

Angelica Velazquez

Attah Obande

Elaine Isley

Emily Aleman-McAlpine

Eric Haslinger

Jason Quigno

Jessica Ledesma

Julieta Tablante-Blanco

Julio Cano

Keli Christopher

Lynee Wells

Stacy Stout

Synia Gant-JORDAN

Teresa Branson

Tiawanna Ezell